Green Mantis – Mantis religiosa – Zelena bogomoljka
Green Mantis are the order of large predatory insects that hold the front pair of legs raised in a way that reminds her hands folded in prayer. A head is removable, with large bulging eyes, long antennae. The first pelvic annulet them is very extended and the head can move in all directions. They are remarkably well adapted to the environment, can change the color of the body making them, associated with prolonged immobilisation, very difficult noticeable. The length of their body is usually between 40 and 80 mm. Females are larger than males.
Zelena bogomoljka
Glava im je pomična, s velikim izbočenim očima, ticala duga. Prvi prsni kolutić im je jako produljen i omogućava pomicanje glave u svim smjerovima. Izvanredno su dobro prilagođene okolišu, mogu mijenjati boju tijela što ih, povezano dugotrajnom nepokretnošću, čini vrlo teško uočljivim. Duljina tijela im je najčešće između 40 i 80 mm. Ženke su veće od mužjaka.
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