GBCAT v0.9b7 for Beta Testers is available for Download only for a members of GBCAT Beta Test Team.
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What’s new in GBCAT v0.9b7? (all related to Kenwood TS-2000)
– Updated GBCAT_DocEN.doc, help file on English language (English spelling and grammar managed by Jim, K5LAD).
– Bug fix: Problem in Com to IP Redirector with connection to TCP/IP addresses, other than hardcoded, is resolved. COM2IP.exe is the integral part of GBCAT and COM2IP_v09b7.msi installation package. It is required for the RIG remote operation, over the wireless or wired IP network. You may find it in the GBCAT installation directory. I noticed a described problem after I had changed the IP address and port on one of the computers on my home network. Now, you may try to redirect the COM port of your remote computers again.
– Bug fix (thanks to Jim K5LAD): Problem in DX Summit Menu selection, with Set New FQ button, imported in v0.9b6, is resolved. Button Exit is added to simplify exit from DX Summit and return to the GBCAT main module.
GSCAN is a software featured Scan. It was developed (and tested) for Yaesu FT-8×7 and for Icom IC-706MKIIG. Because the Kenwood TS-2000 has many SCAN possibilities, I decided to reprogram this feature also for TS-2000 and enable it in the XCS-A group, under the GSCAN button. This feature is related to menu RIG, Edit GSCAN Table option. You may edit the GSCAN Table and save the new scan settings only while the GSCAN feature is disabled.
SCAN (Button)
Scan is a useful function for hands-off monitoring of your favorite frequencies. The SCAN button has start-stop functions: 1st click will start the Scan function, the 2nd click will stop the Scan function. It is so-called Normal, VFO Scan.
SCAN Mode (Slider)
Related to the Scan button, the Scan Mode slider has the same functions plus a few additional modes: Off, Scan, MHz, Visual, Tone, CTCSS and DCS Scan. If you start Scan by the Scan Mode slider, you may stop it also by one mouse click on the SCAN button. Please, note that not all of the Scan Modes information may be shown on the GBCAT screen, as they are shown on the RIG, because of lack of appropriate CAT commands.
PS.SLO (Button)
Program Scan partially slowed (ON/OFF). You can specify a maximum of 5 frequency points for each memory channel from 290 to 299 so that the Program Scan slows down the scanning speed. To specify the slow down frequency points, first program the start and end frequencies into a memory channel (290 ~ 299) {Owner Manual, page 67}.
PS.H5 (Button)
This function stops Program Scan for approximately 5 seconds, then resumes Scan when you jump to the desired frequency by turning the Tuning control or the MULTI/ CH control, or by pressing Mic [UP]/ [DWN].
PS.RM (Button)
Scan resume method function. The default is a time-operated mode. The transceiver stops scanning at the frequency (or memory channel) where a signal is detected. It then continues scanning according to which resume mode you have selected. You can choose one of the following modes:
• Time-Operated mode
The transceiver remains on a busy frequency (or memory channel) for approximately 6 seconds, then continues to scan, even if the signal is still present.
• Carrier-Operated mode
The transceiver remains on the busy frequency (or memory channel) until the signal drops out. There is a 2 second delay between signal dropout and scan resumption.
Kenwood TS-2000 Menu
Many functions on TS2K transceiver are selected or configured via a software-controlled Menu, rather than through the physical controls of the transceiver. Once familiar with the Menu system, you will appreciate the versatility it offers. You can customize the various timings, settings, and programming functions on this transceiver to meet your needs without using many controls and switches.
Simple Packet Radio Terminal
A packet is a group of bits (binary digits) structured and standardized that has contained within it the addressing information, message, error-checking and control information. The information is organized into a frame, i.e., a set-sized template for sending information. The Amateur X.25 protocol is the manner used to send frames. Both the sending and receiving TNC is programmed to encode into frames to be sent, and decode received frames.
If you are using GBCAT as CAT controller for your TS-2000 transceiver, it is assumed that you already have connected the serial interface of your computer with the COM-connector of the TS-2000. You still must adjust a couple of values in the menu of the TS-2000. Enter Menu #46 and choose the sub band as the data band. “TNC” sign should be seen in the right area of the Sub receiver display. Enter Menu #47 and choose 1200bps (or appropriate bps) as the transfer rate between the TNC (transceiver) and the ISS-PMS. Enter Menu #48 and choose DCD-sense as TNC-Band. The DCD is a method with which one impedes the internal TNC to send data if straight data traffic takes place on the QRG. Check for the transmission rate between PC and TNC (TS-2000) as the last, under Menu #56. It is 9600 baud, by default. Put the “Packet Operation” to “ON” under Menu #55. The letters “PKT” appear in the display above on the right. At the same time, you’ve started Simple Packet Radio Terminal, and you are ready to receive packets on your QRG. If you like to receive all or a different types of PR frames, use the following TNC commands: MCON (monitor other frames while connected), MALL (monitor connected and unconnected -unproto- frames), MCOM (monitor only data or all frames). Once you set all necessary PR settings, you may run Simple Packet Radio Terminal from GBCAT XCS-A module.
While you are in PR mode, the TS-2000 settings can’t be changed by GBCAT.
Simple Packet Radio Terminal is tested with Kenwood TS-2000 in two working conditions: Direct COM access and over the Home TCP/IP LAN (using COM2IP Redirector, the integral part of GBCAT installation package), and it works as expected in a both working conditions. It will be also available for the other rigs in the future.
More in GBCAT_DocEN.doc.
Ivan, 9A2GB.
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