What’s new in EMU – Event Monitoring Utility, v0.9b12 Beta?
New Feature added: “EMS Table Auto-save”. It enables automatic save of Event Monitoring Setup (EMS) table in the following cases:
a) after the 1-time method or event is triggered and before “Action on Event” is executed, EMU will save the current state of EMS table on hard disk, with zeroed “Repeat Event” counter.
b) after the multi-time method or event is triggered, EMU will save the new state of EMS table only if selected „Action on Event“ is one of the actions which may interrupt the operation of EMU, such as Restart, Hibernate, Log Off, Suspend or Shutdown.
– EMUhelp.pdf updated (croatian version)
– EMUhelpEN.pdf updated (english version).
Download is available only for Beta Testers with password, by clicking on word “Download”.
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Što je novog u EMU – Event Monitoring Utility, v0.9b12 Beta?
Dodana nova mogućnost: “EMS Table Auto-Save” koja omogućuje da EMU automatski spremi Event Monitoring Setup (EMS) tablicu u slijedećim slučajevima:
a) nakon inicirane 1-time metode ili eventa, a prije kretanja u “Action on Event”
b) nakon inicirane multi-time metode ili eventa, izvršiti će se provjera “Action on Event” i spremiti će se novo stanje u EMS tabeli, samo ako je odabrana akcija jedna od akcija koje prekidaju rad EMU, kao što su: Restart, Hibernate, LogOff, Suspend, Shutdown.
– Dopunjena hrvatska verzija EMUhelp.pdf
– Dopunjena engleska verzija EMUhelpEN.pdf
Download je omogućen Beta Testerima uz password, klikom na riječ “Download”.
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