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Sukladno novom EU zakonu o zastiti osobnih podataka (GDPR), izjavljuje slijedeće:

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Registrirani korisnici besplatne programske podrške (GBCAT, Detect NSR, EMU itd) će i dalje nastaviti primati vrlo povremenu elektroničku poštu o novim verzijama programske potpore i mojim aktivnostima.

“Registrirani korisnici” su osobe koje su izrazile pisanu namjeru korištenja mojih besplatnih softverskih proizvoda i aktom slanja njihovih osobnih podataka (e-mail adresa, ime, radioamaterska pozivna oznaka), dobili su privilegiju / registraciju za korištenje odgovarajućeg softvera, a istodobno su mi dali potvrdu za primanje informacija o novim verzijama softvera i mojim drugim aktivnostima.

Nastavkom korištenja i postojećih usluga na mojim stranicama,
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Molim da me kontaktirate bez ustručavanja iz bilo kojeg razloga vezanog za sadržaj ovih stranica. Ispunite kontakt formular a ja ću odgovoriti u najkraćem mogućem roku. Hvala vam na posjetu

Views: (459)

Speed index list for notebook processors

Speed index list for notebook processors

PROCESSOR                                                      CORES    FQ Clock             FQ TURBO     SPEED INDEX
Intel Core i7 4870HQ 4 2500 MHz 3700 MHz 9549
Intel Core i7 3920XM 4 2900 MHz 3800 MHz 9418
Intel Core i7 4900MQ 4 2800 MHz 3800 MHz 9323
Intel Core i7 3820QM 4 2700 MHz 3700 MHz 9189
Intel Core i7 3840QM 4 2800 MHz 3800 MHz 9056
Intel Core i7 4800MQ 4 2700 MHz 3700 MHz 8593
Intel Core i7 3720QM 4 2600 MHz 3600 MHz 8574
Intel Core i7 4810MQ 4 2800 MHz 3800 MHz 8573
Intel Core i7 4770HQ 4 2200 MHz 3400 MHz 8300
Intel Core i7 4712HQ 4 2300 MHz 3300 MHz 8298
Intel Core i7 4710HQ 4 2500 MHz 3500 MHz 8294
Intel Core i7 4750HQ 4 2000 MHz 3200 MHz 8066
Intel Core i7 4700HQ 4 2400 MHz 3400 MHz 8013
Intel Core i7 4702MQ 4 2200 MHz 3200 MHz 7968
Intel Core i7 4700MQ 4 2400 MHz 3400 MHz 7923
Intel Core i7 3740QM 4 2700 MHz 3700 MHz 7905
Intel Core i7 4702HQ 4 2200 MHz 3200 MHz 7714
Intel Core i7 4712MQ 4 2300 MHz 3300 MHz 7538
Intel Core i7 3635QM 4 2400 MHz 3400 MHz 7450
Intel Core i7 3630QM 4 2400 MHz 3400 MHz 7444
Intel Core i7 3610QM 4 2300 MHz 3300 MHz 7400
Intel Core i7 3632QM 4 2200 MHz 3200 MHz 7339
Intel Core i7 3615QM 4 2300 MHz 3300 MHz 7252
Intel Core i7 3612QM 4 2100 MHz 3100 MHz 6925
Intel Core i7 2760QM 4 2400 MHz 3500 MHz 6652
Intel Core i7 2860QM 4 2500 MHz 3600 MHz 6580
Intel Core i7 2820QM 4 2300 MHz 3400 MHz 6412
Intel Core i7 2675QM 4 2200 MHz 3100 MHz 6300
Intel Core i7 2720QM 4 2200 MHz 3300 MHz 6258
Intel Core i7 2670QM 4 2200 MHz 3100 MHz 6140
Intel Core i7 2630QM 4 2000 MHz 2900 MHz 5697
Intel Core i7 4600M 2 2900 MHz 3600 MHz 5142
Intel Core i7 4610M 2 3000 MHz 3700 MHz 5107
Intel Core i5 4300M 2 2600 MHz 3300 MHz 4786
Intel Core i5 3340M 2 2700 MHz 3400 MHz 4708
Intel Core i5 4288U 2 2600 MHz 3100 MHz 4673
Intel Core i7 3520M 2 2900 MHz 3600 MHz 4663
Intel Core i7 3540M 2 3000 MHz 3700 MHz 4585
Intel Core i7 3687U 2 2100 MHz 3300 MHz 4531
Intel Core i5 4210M 2 2600 MHz 3200 MHz 4522
Intel Core i5 4308U 2 2800 MHz 3300 MHz 4500
Intel Core i5 4278U 2 2600 MHz 3100 MHz 4497
Intel Core i7 4600U 2 2100 MHz 3300 MHz 4484
Intel Core i5 4200M 2 2500 MHz 3100 MHz 4448
Intel Core i7 920XM 4 2000 MHz N/A 4404
Intel Core i5 4258U 2 2400 MHz 2900 MHz 4381
Intel Core i5 3380M 2 2900 MHz 3600 MHz 4332
Intel Core i7 3667U 2 2000 MHz 3200 MHz 4212
Intel Core i5 4200H 2 2800 MHz 3400 MHz 4166
Intel Core i7 2640M 2 2800 MHz 3500 MHz 4118
Intel Core i5 3360M 2 2800 MHz 3500 MHz 4070
Intel Core i7 2620M 2 2700 MHz 3400 MHz 4038
Intel Core i5 3230M 2 2600 MHz 3200 MHz 4013
Intel Core i7 4510U 2 2000 MHz 3100 MHz 3981
Intel Core i7 4500U 2 1800 MHz 3000 MHz 3921
Intel Core i5 4300U 2 1900 MHz 2900 MHz 3917
Intel Core i7 3537U 2 2000 MHz 3100 MHz 3892
Intel Core i5 3210M 2 2500 MHz 3100 MHz 3878
Intel Core i7 3517U 2 1900 MHz 3000 MHz 3812
Intel Core i5 4310U 2 2000 MHz 3000 MHz 3792
Intel Core i5 3320M 2 2600 MHz 3300 MHz 3764
Intel Core i5 4260U 2 1400 MHz 2700 MHz 3688
Intel Core i5 2540M 2 2600 MHz 3300 MHz 3664
Intel Core i5 2435M 2 2400 MHz 3000 MHz 3618
Intel Core i5 4210U 2 1700 MHz 2700 MHz 3604
Intel Core i5 4250U 2 1300 MHz 2600 MHz 3590
Intel Core i5 4200U 2 1600 MHz 2600 MHz 3590
Intel Core i5 2450M 2 2500 MHz 3100 MHz 3520
Intel Core i5 3427U 2 1800 MHz 2800 MHz 3520
AMD A-Series A8-5550M 4 2100 MHz 3100 MHz 3481
Intel Core i5 2415M 2 2300 MHz 2900 MHz 3476
AMD A-Series A10-5750M 4 2500 MHz 3500 MHz 3449
Intel Core i3 4000M 2 2400 MHz N/A 3432
Intel Core i3 3120M 2 2500 MHz N/A 3389
Intel Core i7 740QM 4 1733 MHz N/A 3344
Intel Core i5 2430M 2 2400 MHz 3000 MHz 3338
Intel Core i5 3437U 2 1900 MHz 2900 MHz 3333
Intel Core i5 2520M 2 2500 MHz 3200 MHz 3283
Intel Core i7 2637M 2 1700 MHz 2800 MHz 3217
Intel Core i5 2410M 2 2300 MHz 2900 MHz 3217
Intel Core i5 3337U 2 1800 MHz 2700 MHz 3198
AMD A-Series A10-4600M 4 2300 MHz 3200 MHz 3134
AMD A-Series A8-7150B 4 1900 MHz 3200 MHz 3097
Intel Core i7 720QM 4 1600 MHz N/A 3094
Intel Core i5 3317U 2 1700 MHz 2600 MHz 3092
Intel Core i7 2677M 2 1800 MHz 2900 MHz 2982
Intel Core i7 2617M 2 1500 MHz 2600 MHz 2959
Intel Core i3 3110M 2 2400 MHz N/A 2889
Intel Core i3 2370M 2 2400 MHz N/A 2886
Intel Core M 5Y70 2 1100 MHz 2600 MHz 2851
Intel Core i3 2328M 2 2200 MHz N/A 2816
Intel Core i5 540M 2 2533 MHz N/A 2756
Intel Core i5 2557M 2 1700 MHz 2700 MHz 2755
Intel Core i3 4030U 2 1900 MHz N/A 2730
AMD A-Series A10-5745M 4 2100 MHz 2900 MHz 2687
Intel Core i3 3227U 2 1900 MHz N/A 2681
AMD A-Series A8-4500M 4 1900 MHz 2800 MHz 2656
Intel Core i3 2340M 2 2300 MHz N/A 2636
Intel Core i3 2350M 2 2300 MHz N/A 2636
Intel Core i3 2348M 2 2300 MHz N/A 2624
AMD Phenom II N950 4 2100 MHz N/A 2616
Intel Core i5 2537M 2 1400 MHz 2300 MHz 2615
Intel Core 2 Quad Q9000 2 2000 MHz N/A 2596
Intel Core i5 480M 2 2667 MHz N/A 2579
Intel Core i5 560M 2 2667 MHz N/A 2575
Intel Core i7 620M 2 2667 MHz N/A 2564
AMD A-Series A8-4555M 4 1600 MHz 2400 MHz 2562
Intel Core i5 520M 2 2400 MHz N/A 2551
Intel Core i5 2467M 2 1600 MHz 2300 MHz 2534
Intel Core i7 640M 2 2800 MHz N/A 2523
AMD A-Series A8-6410 4 2000 MHz 2400 MHz 2522
Intel Core i3 2330M 2 2200 MHz N/A 2520
Intel Core i5 460M 2 2533 MHz N/A 2516
AMD A-Series A6-6310 4 1800 MHz 2400 MHz 2483
AMD A-Series A8-3510MX 4 1800 MHz 2500 MHz 2463
AMD Phenom II N930 4 2000 MHz N/A 2446
AMD A-Series A6-5200 4 2000 MHz N/A 2439
Intel Core i5 4210Y 2 1500 MHz 1900 MHz 2382
AMD A-Series A8-5545M 4 1700 MHz 2700 MHz 2359
Intel Core i5 450M 2 2400 MHz N/A 2349
Intel Core i3 4005U 2 1700 MHz N/A 2338
Intel Core i3 4020Y 2 1500 MHz N/A 2333
AMD A-Series A8-3520M 4 1600 MHz 2500 MHz 2328
Intel Core i3 2310M 2 2100 MHz N/A 2327
Intel Pentium 2020M 2 2400 MHz N/A 2314
Intel Pentium B970 2 2300 MHz N/A 2258
Intel Pentium B980 2 2400 MHz N/A 2258
AMD A-Series A6-3410MX 4 1600 MHz 2300 MHz 2254
Intel Core i3 4010U 2 1700 MHz N/A 2253
AMD A-Series A8-3530MX 4 1900 MHz 2600 MHz 2206
Intel Core i3 4012Y 2 1500 MHz N/A 2205
AMD Phenom II P960 4 1800 MHz N/A 2201
Intel Core i7 640LM 2 2133 MHz N/A 2199
Intel Core i3 380M 2 2533 MHz N/A 2191
AMD A-Series A4-6210 4 1800 MHz N/A 2189
AMD A-Series A6-3420M 4 1500 MHz 2400 MHz 2182
AMD Phenom II N870 3 2300 MHz N/A 2142
Intel Core i5 4202Y 2 1600 MHz 2000 MHz 2084
Intel Core i3 350M 2 2267 MHz N/A 2056
AMD A-Series A8-3500M 4 1500 MHz 2400 MHz 2017
Intel Celeron 1005M 2 1900 MHz N/A 2015
Intel Core i3 3217U 2 1800 MHz N/A 2013
AMD A-Series A6-3400M 4 1400 MHz 2300 MHz 2008
Intel Pentium N3540 4 2167 MHz 2667 MHz 2004
Intel Core 2 Duo SP9600 2 2533 MHz N/A 1998
Intel Core i5 430M 2 2267 MHz N/A 1991
Intel Pentium N3520 4 2167 MHz 2400 MHz 1987
Intel Core i3 370M 2 2400 MHz N/A 1977
Intel Pentium B940 2 2000 MHz N/A 1965
AMD Phenom II N850 3 2200 MHz N/A 1948
Intel Core i3 2375M 2 1500 MHz N/A 1943
Intel Core 2 Duo P8800 2 2667 MHz N/A 1937
Intel Pentium B960 2 2200 MHz N/A 1937
Intel Pentium 2117U 2 1800 MHz N/A 1934
Intel Celeron 1037U 2 1800 MHz N/A 1929
Intel Pentium 2127U 2 1900 MHz N/A 1925
AMD A-Series A4-5000M 4 1500 MHz N/A 1919
AMD Phenom II P860 3 2000 MHz N/A 1913
AMD Phenom II P920 4 1600 MHz N/A 1895
Intel Pentium 3556U 2 1700 MHz N/A 1891
Intel Core i3 2377M 2 1500 MHz N/A 1889
Intel Core 2 Duo T9600 2 2800 MHz N/A 1859
Intel Celeron N2940 4 1833 MHz 2267 MHz 1848
AMD Phenom II N660 2 3000 MHz N/A 1828
Intel Core i3 330M 2 2133 MHz N/A 1818
AMD Phenom II N620 2 2800 MHz N/A 1816
AMD E-Series E2-3800 4 1300 MHz N/A 1814
Intel Core i3 2367M 2 1400 MHz N/A 1814
AMD A-Series A6-4400M 2 2700 MHz 3200 MHz 1799
Intel Core 2 Duo T9400 2 2533 MHz N/A 1789
Intel Pentium N3510 4 2000 MHz N/A 1784
Intel Pentium B950 2 2100 MHz N/A 1769
Intel Pentium B950 2 2100 MHz N/A 1769
AMD Phenom II N830 3 2100 MHz N/A 1761
AMD E-Series E2-6110 4 1500 MHz N/A 1748
Intel Core i3 4010Y 2 1300 MHz N/A 1747
Intel Celeron N2930 4 1833 MHz 2167 MHz 1743
Intel Celeron 1000M 2 1800 MHz N/A 1729
AMD A-Series A6-7050B 2 2200 MHz 3000 MHz 1727
Intel Core 2 Duo P8700 2 2533 MHz N/A 1723
AMD Phenom II P840 3 1900 MHz N/A 1721
Intel Celeron B830 2 1800 MHz N/A 1714
AMD Phenom II P820 3 1800 MHz N/A 1713
AMD Phenom II P650 2 2600 MHz N/A 1698
Intel Core i3 2357M 2 1300 MHz N/A 1682
Intel Core i3 3229Y 2 1400 MHz N/A 1682
Intel Celeron N2920 4 1867 MHz 2000 MHz 1638
Intel Celeron 1017U 2 1600 MHz N/A 1637
AMD A-Series A4-4300M 2 2500 MHz 3000 MHz 1616
AMD Turion II P540 2 2400 MHz N/A 1615
Intel Core i3 2365M 2 1400 MHz N/A 1604
Intel Core 2 Duo P7550 2 2267 MHz N/A 1601
Intel Celeron 1007U 2 1500 MHz N/A 1591
AMD Phenom II N640 2 2900 MHz N/A 1587
AMD A-Series A4 Micro-6400T 4 1000 MHz 1600 MHz 1579
AMD A-Series A6-1450 4 1000 MHz 1400 MHz 1577
Intel Pentium 997 2 1600 MHz N/A 1569
Intel Celeron 2955U 2 1400 MHz N/A 1566
Intel Core 2 Duo P8400 2 2267 MHz N/A 1558
Intel Core 2 Duo P8600 2 2400 MHz N/A 1556
Intel Core 2 Duo P9700 2 2800 MHz N/A 1549
AMD Turion II P560 2 2500 MHz N/A 1546
Intel Core i5 470UM 2 1333 MHz N/A 1544
Intel Celeron P4600 2 2000 MHz N/A 1533
Intel Celeron B820 2 1700 MHz N/A 1522
Intel Celeron B810 2 1600 MHz N/A 1518
Intel Core 2 Duo SL9600 2 2133 MHz N/A 1517
Intel Core 2 Duo P7450 2 2133 MHz N/A 1511
Intel Celeron B815 2 1600 MHz N/A 1505
Intel Pentium P6100 2 2000 MHz N/A 1492
AMD Turion II Ultra M600 2 2400 MHz N/A 1485
Intel Celeron 887 2 1500 MHz N/A 1469
Intel Celeron T3500 2 2100 MHz N/A 1467
AMD Turion II Ultra M620 2 2500 MHz N/A 1466
Intel Pentium T4500 2 2300 MHz N/A 1455
Intel Core i5 520UM 2 1067 MHz N/A 1446
AMD Turion II M520 2 2300 MHz N/A 1436
Intel Pentium P6200 2 2133 MHz N/A 1420
Intel Celeron T3300 2 2000 MHz N/A 1408
Intel Pentium P6000 2 1867 MHz N/A 1389
Intel Core 2 Duo T6670 2 2200 MHz N/A 1385
Intel Core 2 Duo T6400 2 2000 MHz N/A 1381
AMD A-Series A4-3310MX 2 2100 MHz 2500 MHz 1378
Intel Celeron 2980U 2 1600 MHz N/A 1376
Intel Celeron 877 2 1400 MHz N/A 1371
AMD A-Series A6-4455M 2 2100 MHz 2600 MHz 1367
Intel Pentium T4400 2 2200 MHz N/A 1366
Intel Core 2 Duo T6600 2 2200 MHz N/A 1354
Intel Atom Z3775 4 1467 MHz 2400 MHz 1338
AMD A-Series A4-3300M 2 1900 MHz 2500 MHz 1338
AMD Turion II N530 2 2500 MHz N/A 1331
Intel Core 2 Duo T6570 2 2100 MHz N/A 1323
Intel Core i3 380UM 2 1333 MHz N/A 1309
AMD Turion X2 RM-74 2 2200 MHz N/A 1307
Intel Celeron 867 2 1300 MHz N/A 1307
Intel Pentium 967 2 1300 MHz N/A 1304
Intel Core 2 Duo P7350 2 2000 MHz N/A 1292
AMD Turion II M500 2 2200 MHz N/A 1289
AMD Turion II P520 2 2300 MHz N/A 1288
Intel Core 2 Duo SL9400 2 1867 MHz N/A 1281
AMD Athlon II P360 2 2300 MHz N/A 1274
Intel Core 2 Duo T7200 2 2000 MHz N/A 1266
AMD Athlon II P320 2 2100 MHz N/A 1266
Intel Celeron P4500 2 1867 MHz N/A 1265
Intel Celeron T3100 2 1900 MHz N/A 1260
Intel Core 2 Duo P7370 2 2000 MHz N/A 1254
Intel Core 2 Duo T7500 2 2200 MHz N/A 1251
Intel Core 2 Duo T8100 2 2100 MHz N/A 1249
Intel Pentium T4300 2 2100 MHz N/A 1241
AMD Athlon II N330 2 2300 MHz N/A 1238
Intel Core 2 Duo T7300 2 2000 MHz N/A 1228
AMD A-Series A4-3305M 2 1900 MHz 2500 MHz 1220
AMD Athlon II M340 2 2200 MHz N/A 1220
Intel Pentium T4200 2 2000 MHz N/A 1220
Intel Core 2 Duo T5900 2 2200 MHz N/A 1218
AMD Athlon II M320 2 2100 MHz N/A 1212
Intel Core i3 330UM 2 1200 MHz N/A 1204
AMD A-Series A4-4355M 2 1900 MHz 2400 MHz 1203
Intel Pentium 987 2 1500 MHz N/A 1199
AMD Athlon II P340 2 2200 MHz N/A 1179
Intel Pentium Dual Core T3400 2 2167 MHz N/A 1176
Intel Core 2 Duo T5750 2 2000 MHz N/A 1173
Intel Core 2 Duo T5870 2 2000 MHz N/A 1161
AMD Athlon II M300 2 2000 MHz N/A 1161
AMD Turion X2 Ultra ZM-82 2 2200 MHz N/A 1156
Intel Core 2 Duo T6500 2 2100 MHz N/A 1153
Intel Celeron B800 2 1500 MHz N/A 1144
Intel Atom 3745 4 1333 MHz 1867 MHz 1134
AMD Turion X2 RM-77 2 2300 MHz N/A 1115
Intel Pentium 2129Y 2 1100 MHz N/A 1114
Intel Core 2 Duo T7250 2 2000 MHz N/A 1112
Intel Pentium 3560Y 2 1200 MHz N/A 1093
AMD E-Series E2-3000 2 1650 MHz N/A 1092
Intel Atom Z3740 4 1333 MHz 1867 MHz 1077
AMD Turion X2 RM-75 2 2200 MHz N/A 1074
Intel Core 2 Duo SL9300 2 1600 MHz N/A 1057
Intel Pentium Dual Core T3200 2 2000 MHz N/A 1056
Intel Celeron 1019Y 2 1000 MHz N/A 1050
Intel Celeron N2840 2 2167 MHz 2600 MHz 1050
Intel Core 2 Duo T5550 2 1833 MHz N/A 1048
Intel Celeron 847 2 1100 MHz N/A 1048
Intel Celeron N2820 2 2133 MHz N/A 1037
AMD Turion X2 RM-72 2 2100 MHz N/A 1036
Intel Celeron N2830 2 2167 MHz 2400 MHz 1027
AMD Turion X2 TL-62 2 2100 MHz N/A 1026
AMD Athlon X2 QL-64 2 2100 MHz N/A 1006
AMD Athlon X2 QL-65 2 2100 MHz N/A 1004
Intel Core 2 Duo T5800 2 2000 MHz N/A 1003
Intel Celeron T1500 2 1867 MHz N/A 1002
AMD Athlon X2 QL-62 2 2000 MHz N/A 1001
AMD E-Series E2-3000M 2 1800 MHz 2400 MHz 991
Intel Core 2 Duo T5670 2 1800 MHz N/A 991
Intel Atom Z3735G 4 1333 MHz 1833 MHz 983
AMD E-Series E2-2000 2 1750 MHz N/A 981
Intel Core 2 Duo SU7300 2 1300 MHz N/A 976
Intel Celeron N2910 4 1600 MHz N/A 971
AMD Athlon 64 X2 TK-57 2 1900 MHz N/A 971
Intel Pentium U5400 2 1200 MHz N/A 956
Intel Pentium Dual Core T2390 2 1867 MHz N/A 955
AMD Turion X2 TL-60 2 2000 MHz N/A 948
Intel Core 2 Duo T5450 2 1667 MHz N/A 948
AMD Athlon X2 QL-66 2 2200 MHz N/A 938
Intel Celeron T1600 2 1667 MHz N/A 929
Intel Celeron N2815 2 1867 MHz 2133 MHz 929
Intel Celeron U3600 2 1200 MHz N/A 921
Intel Celeron SU2300 2 1200 MHz N/A 914
AMD E-Series E-350 2 1600 MHz N/A 905
Intel Pentium N3530 4 2167 MHz N/A 896
AMD E-Series E1-6010 2 1350 MHz N/A 896
Intel Core 2 Duo SU9400 2 1400 MHz N/A 882
AMD Turion X2 RM-70 2 2000 MHz N/A 877
Intel Atom D2700 2 2133 MHz N/A 877
Intel Core Duo T2500 2 2000 MHz N/A 868
AMD Turion Neo X2 L625 2 1600 MHz N/A 854
AMD Athlon 64 X2 TK-55 2 1800 MHz N/A 854
Intel Core 2 Duo T5200 2 1600 MHz N/A 846
Intel Core 2 Duo SU9300 2 1200 MHz N/A 844
Intel Pentium SU4100 2 1300 MHz N/A 841
AMD Turion X2 TL-56 2 1800 MHz N/A 839
Intel Celeron N2810 2 2000 MHz N/A 836
Intel Celeron 925 1 2300 MHz N/A 823
AMD E-Series E2-1800 2 1700 MHz N/A 811
AMD Athlon Neo X2 L325 1 1500 MHz N/A 811
AMD E-Series E-450 2 1650 MHz N/A 806
Intel Pentium Dual Core T2310 2 1467 MHz N/A 786
Intel Core Duo T2050 2 1600 MHz N/A 786
Intel Celeron 900 1 2200 MHz N/A 779
Intel Atom D525 2 1833 MHz N/A 772
Intel Atom N2806 2 1580 MHz 2000 MHz 762
AMD Athlon II Neo K325 2 1300 MHz N/A 760
Intel Core 2 Duo U7700 2 1333 MHz N/A 753
Intel Core Duo T2300 0 1667 MHz N/A 730
Intel Atom N2800 2 1867 MHz N/A 723
AMD E-Series E1-1200 2 1400 MHz N/A 722
AMD Athlon Neo X2 L310 2 1200 MHz N/A 718
AMD Athlon X2 L310 2 1200 MHz N/A 718
Intel Pentium Dual Core T2080 2 1733 MHz N/A 709
Intel Core 2 Duo U7600 2 1200 MHz N/A 692
AMD Sempron V140 1 2300 MHz N/A 691
AMD A-Series A4-1200 2 1000 MHz N/A 684
Intel Atom Z2760 2 1800 MHz N/A 679
Intel Atom D510 2 1667 MHz N/A 678
AMD E-Series E1-1500 2 1500 MHz N/A 677
AMD E-Series E-300 2 1300 MHz N/A 674
AMD Athlon X2 QL-60 2 1900 MHz N/A 658
AMD Sempron M120 1 2100 MHz N/A 653
AMD Sempron V160 1 2400 MHz N/A 647
Intel Atom N570 2 1667 MHz N/A 639
AMD A-Series A4-1250 2 1000 MHz N/A 617
Intel Celeron 585 1 2167 MHz N/A 616
AMD C-Series C-60 2 1000 MHz 1333 MHz 608
AMD Sempron V120 1 2200 MHz N/A 604
Intel Atom N2600 2 1600 MHz N/A 603
Intel Atom Z2560 2 1600 MHz N/A 600
Intel Celeron 560 1 2133 MHz N/A 587
Intel Atom N550 2 1500 MHz N/A 569
AMD C-Series C-70 2 1000 MHz 1333 MHz 566
AMD Athlon 64 TF-36 1 2000 MHz N/A 538
AMD E-Series E1-2100 2 1000 MHz N/A 526
AMD E-Series E1-2500 2 1400 MHz N/A 526
AMD C-Series C-50 2 1000 MHz N/A 506
Intel Celeron M 450 1 2000 MHz N/A 505
Intel Core 2 Solo SU3500 1 1400 MHz N/A 504
AMD Athlon II Neo K125 1 1700 MHz N/A 496
AMD Sempron SI-42 1 2100 MHz N/A 482
Intel Celeron M 743 1 1300 MHz N/A 474
AMD Mobile Sempron 3400+ 1 1800 MHz N/A 474
Intel Atom D2500 2 1867 MHz N/A 452
Intel Pentium SU2700 1 1300 MHz N/A 450
Intel Celeron M 440 1 1867 MHz N/A 439
AMD Athlon Neo TF-20 1 1600 MHz N/A 438
Intel Celeron M 730 1 1200 MHz N/A 433
Intel Celeron M 723 1 1200 MHz N/A 433
Intel Celeron N2805 2 1467 MHz N/A 425
AMD Athlon Neo MV-40 1 1600 MHz N/A 409
Intel Celeron M 380 1 1600 MHz N/A 385
Intel Atom Z550 1 2000 MHz N/A 381
VIA Nano U2250 1 1300 MHz N/A 377
Intel Atom Z540 1 1867 MHz N/A 348
Intel Atom N470 1 1833 MHz N/A 348
Intel Atom N2100 1 1600 MHz N/A 321
Intel Atom N455 1 1667 MHz N/A 319
Intel Atom N450 1 1667 MHz N/A 318
Intel Atom D425 1 1833 MHz N/A 317
Intel Atom N280 1 1667 MHz N/A 315
Intel Core 2 Solo U2100 1 1067 MHz N/A 303
Intel Atom N270 1 1600 MHz N/A 303
AMD E-Series E-240 1 1500 MHz N/A 299
AMD Athlon 64 L110 1 1200 MHz N/A 298
Intel Atom Z530 1 1600 MHz N/A 297
VIA C7-M 754 1 1500 MHz N/A 269
AMD Sempron 200U 1 1000 MHz N/A 267
VIA C7-M 764 1 1600 MHz N/A 258
Intel Atom Z520 1 1333 MHz N/A 248
Intel Atom N435 1 1333 MHz N/A 233
Intel Celeron M 353 1 900 MHz N/A 227
VIA C7-M ULV 1 1200 MHz N/A 210

Views: (915)

Announcement: 26. Samobor Salami Festival


Samoborska salama

26. Samobor Salami Festival

Friday, April the 19th, at 8 PM (local time)

Samoborska salamijada (Samobor Salami Festival), an international tourist and gastronomic manifestation, has a 26 year tradition in Samobor. Samobor is a town with a rich cultural, craft, and culinary tradition. The Samobor Salami Festival was established by a group of enthusiasts of different occupations and professions. They had one thing in common – a dedication to the same hobby – homemade salami.

As of their first voluntary and enthusiastic beginnings, the organization of the Samobor salami Festival has developed and upgraded with new elements. While the Fraternity of st. George and the Samobor tourist Board played a decisive role, the support from the town of Samobor and recently town of Sveta Nedelja must be emphasized. Of course, the key role in the positioning of the samobor salami Festival as an important gastronomic and tourist attraction of Samobor was played by the association Zlatna šajba (Golden grinder plate), founded in 2003, whose members constitute the core of the organizing committee of the Samobor salami Festival.

The Samobor Salami Festival has a contestant quality. Strict rules and standards for evaluation of the registered salami samples have been established, and the best ones are awarded the Velika zlatna šajba (Big golden grinder plate). Those that are ranked lower, receive the Golden, silver or Bronze grinder plate (zlatna, srebrna or brončana šajba) as a reward. The contestants are divided in three separate categories: hobbyists, registered (industry) producers, and international hobbyists. The members of the Golden grinder plate association (Udruga Zlatna šajba) initiated and carried out the project of establishing the Samobor salami as a Zagrebačka County brand. On that occasion it was presented to the public in march 2005 in the Regent esplanade Hotel in Zagreb.

(izvor: “Samoborska Salamijada”, monografija)


Views: (1926)

Automatska nadogradnja Windows 7 SP1


Windows 7 SP 1 - Copyright by MicrosoftAutomatska nadogradnja Windows 7 SP1

Prema riječima Microsoftovog menadžmenta, ako još niste prešli na Windows 8, a niste instalirali Service Pack (SP) 1 za Windows 7, od 19. ožujka 2013. možete automatski ažurirati Windows 7 sa SP1 servisnim paketom, kroz automatski Windows Update. U suštini, omogućujući “Automatic update” u Windows OS, daljnja ažuriranja će očuvati besplatnu podršku za Microsoft Windows 7 SP1, do 13. srpnja 2015, dok za Windows 7 RTM, bez instaliranog servisnog paketa, podrška se ukida zaključno s 9. travnjem 2013.

Windows 7 SP1 prije je bio dostupan na Windows Update, ali je instalacija zahtijevala korisničku akciju“, napisao je Brandon LeBlanc, Microsoftov menadžer za komunikaciju, na blogu. Od 19. ožujka, međutim, “instalacija će biti potpuno automatska, bez potrebe korisničke intervencije, za one koji imaju uključenu automatsku obnovu OS-a“.

Microsoft planira obnoviti SP1 “postupno tijekom idućih tjedana” svim Windows 7 RTM kupcima.

SP1, jedini service pack ikad izdan za Windows 7, predstavlja sakupljene, prethodno izdane zakrpe za sigurnost, poboljšanje performansi i stabilnost, uz poboljšanja značajki kao što su ispis pomoću XPS Viewera, povezivanje HDMI audio uređaja, i vraćanje Windows Explorera u prethodno stanje nakon restarta.

Prema LeBlancu, da biste bili sigurni da je SP1 uspješno instaliran, trebali bi ste osigurati dovoljno slobodnog prostora na disku. Microsoft je procijenio količinu slobodnog prostora na disku potrebnog za instaliranje SP1 paketa preko automatskog “Windows Update”, na 750 MB za x86 (32-bitni) sustav i 1050 MB za x64 (64-bitni) opeartivni sustav. Pri tome, Microsoft preporučuje korištenje alata Disk Cleanup za brisanje nepotrebnih datototeka.

Ako se SP1 automatska instalacija iz nekog razloga prekine, ažuriranje će se pokušati ponovno, nakon novog pokretanja sustava.


Views: (280)

70 odabranih kulinarskih recepata


Stop! 70 recipes!70 odabranih kulinarskih recepata

Cijenjeni posjetitelji,

Nastavljamo širenjem izbora naših najboljih kulinarskih recepata. 70 recepata odabranih, zdravih i ukusnih jela iz naše obiteljske kuhinje, s detaljnom recepturom i kvalitetnim slikama čeka vas na našim stranicama. Svako od ovih jela pripremljeno je i isprobano u našoj obiteljskoj kuhinji nekoliko desataka puta, a u recepturi nije zaboravljen niti jedan sastojak, kako bi smo vam omogućili da i Vi pripremite isto jelo, bogato okusima.

Na OVOJ STRANICI pronaći će te listu svih do sada objavljenih recepata, a u dogledno vrijeme pripremiti ćemo Vam i brošuru kulinarskih recepata sa

Hvala na vašem povjerenju i vašim posjetama našim stranicama. Lajkajte i tvitajte nas, proširite izvor dobrih recepata i među vašim prijateljima.

Obiteljski kulinarski tim


Views: (328)

Announce: Traditional 187th Carnival at Samobor, Croatia, 2013


Traditional 186th Carnival in Samobor, Croatia, 2012 - Bare & Majke-Teske bojeTraditional 187th Carnival at Samobor, Croatia, 2013. / Tradicionalni 187. samoborski fašnik od 1. do 12.02.2013.

Samoborski fašnik jedna je od najstarijih pokladnih priredbi u Hrvatskoj. Ove godine, grad Samobor 187. puta postaje Fašničkom republikom, te će tako brojnim fašničkim događanjima održati stoljetnu tradiciju čuvanja kulturnog blaga naših starih.

187. Samoborski fašnik završava 12. veljače, na pokladni utorak, suđenjem Princu Fašniku za sve loše događaje u protekloj godini, te starim običajem spaljivanja Fašnika, kako bi ova godina bila bolja nego prošla.

Traditional 186th Carnival in Samobor, Croatia, 2012 - TNT GroupPosjetite nas i ove godine u našem Samoboru, i pridružite nam se u sudjelovanju u tradicionalnom samoborskom fašniku i staroj poslovici: “Bedaki noriju celo leto, a pametni samo na fašnik” 🙂

Fotografije sa 186. samoborskog fašnika pogledajte OVDJE.
Photos from 186. traditional Carnival at Samobor: HERE.


Views: (662)

HAM Software Announce: GBCAT


GBCAT - basic moduleGBCAT – Computer Aided Transceiver

We are proud to announce a new HAM software from our development team: GBCAT, Computer Aided Transceiver software for Yaesu FT-857D transceiver. The FT-857D’s CAT System allows the transceiver to be controlled by a personal computer. This allows multiple control operations to be fully automated as a single mouse click, or it allows a third-party software package (such as GBCAT) to communicate with the FT-857D without (redundant) operator intervention.

GBCAT - extended command set AGBCAT is composed of three parts: a base module, extended command set A, extended command set B. All three modules retain their function regardless of whether they are displayed on the screen. GBCAT will manage all of the functions available on the FT-857D, and after posting the first public version GBCAT, the program will be expanded with capabilities to manage  other (available) radio devices with build CAT control.

GBCAT will be an integral part of GBCON for Windows, contest software for VHF/UHF/SHF, which is also in parallel development.

We invite all interested HAM radio operators to contact us by email with their votes for the next type of device that will supported by GBCAT. We also invite every owner of Yaesu FT-8xx series to contact us and join to our beta-test team, to test GBCAT before the public release.

73 de 9A2GB

GBCAT - extended command set BGBCAT – Domaći program za upravljanje Yaesu FT-857D

S ponosom najavljujemo domaći CAT softver našeg razvojnog tima: GBCAT, softver za upravljanje svim dostupnim funkcijama Yaesu FT-857D primopredajnika. Ugrađeni CAT sustav u FT-857D omogućuje radio operatoru da kontrolira uređaj pomoću osobnog računala i odgovarajuće programske potpore. GBCAT već u ovoj razvojnoj fazi podržava veliku većinu funkcija, a u daljnjem ravoju biti će podržane sve funkcije dostupne preko CAT sustava.

GBCAT je sastavljen od 3 dijela: osnovni modul, prošireni set naredbi A, prošireni set naredbi B. Sva 3 modula zadržavaju svoje funkcije bez obzira da li su prikazane na ekranu. GBCAT će upravljati svim dostupnim funkcijama na FT-857D, a nakon što objavimo prvu javnu inačicu GBCAT-a, program će biti proširen mogućnostima upravljanja za ostale (dostupne) radioamaterske uređaje koji podupiru CAT upravljanje.

GBCAT će u konačnici biti integralni dio GBCON for Windows, natjecateljskog programa za VHF/UHF/SHF područja, koji se također paralelno razvija.

Pozivamo sve zainteresirane radioamatere da se jave mailom na: emu.9a2gb(at) svojim glasovima za idući tip uređaja kojeg će GBCAT podržavati. Također, pozivamo sve vlasnike FT-8xx serije da se jave ako žele biti dio Beta-Test tima koji će testirati GBCAT prije javne publikacije.

73 de 9A2GB


Views: (7461)

Više od 50!


Stop - vise od 50 recepata!Više od 50 odabranih kulinarskih recepata

Cijenjeni posjetitelji,

Nastavljamo širenjem izbora najboljih kulinarskih recepata, s  više od 50 odabranih, zdravih i ukusnih jela iz naše obiteljske kuhinje, s detaljnom recepturom i kvalitetnim slikama. Svako od ovih jela pripremljeno je i isprobano u našoj obiteljskoj kuhinji nekoliko desataka puta, a u recepturi nije zaboravljen niti jedan sastojak, kako bi smo vam omogućili da i Vi pripremite isto jelo, bogato okusima.

Na OVOJ STRANICI pronaći će te listu svih do sada objavljenih recepata, a u dogledno vrijeme pripremiti ćemo Vam i brošuru kulinarskih recepata sa

Hvala na vašem povjerenju i vašim posjetama našim stranicama. Lajkajte i tvitajte nas, proširite izvor dobrih recepata i među vašim prijateljima.

Obiteljski kulinarski tim


Views: (609)

HUGPD – Hrvatska udruga grupa za potporu dojenja


HUGPD - Hrvatska udruga grupa za potporu dojenjaHUGPD – Hrvatska udruga grupa za potporu dojenja
Croatian breastfeeding support group

Dojenje jača bebin imunitet, smanjuje rizik od razvijanja astme i alergija, osigurava pravilan razvoj čeljusti, smanjuje rizik od sindroma iznenadne dojenačke smrti i kroničnih bolesti…

Posjetite HUGPD stranice.
Visit HUGPD pages. 


Views: (1199)

30 odabranih kulinarskih recepata –


Praktično kuhanje - Practical cooking30 odabranih kulinarskih recepata

Cijenjeni posjetitelji,

U vrlo kratkom vremenu, na našim stranicama predstavili smo vam 30 odabranih, zdravih i ukusnih jela iz naše obiteljske kuhinje, s detaljnom recepturom i kvalitetnim slikama. Svako od ovih jela pripremljeno je i isprobano u našoj obiteljskoj kuhinji nekoliko desataka puta, a u recepturi nije zaboravljen niti jedan sastojak, kako bi smo vam omogućili da i Vi pripremite isto jelo, bogato okusima.

Na OVOJ STRANICI pronaći će te listu svih do sada objavljenih recepata, a u dogledno vrijeme pripremiti će mo Vam i brošuru kulinarskih recepata sa

Hvala na vašem povjerenju i vašim posjetama našim stranicama. Proširite izvor dobrih recepata i među vašim prijateljima.

Obiteljski kulinarski tim



Views: (128)

Statistics (August 30th. 2012)

Aside statistics 30.08.2012 - 186-5Statistics (August 30th. 2012)

Valuable visitors,
Number of visitors from unique IP addresses to our site is constantly growing. Thank you for your trust and we invite you to continue to keep track of new articles on Our site is dedicated to 9A2GB software products, Windows operating system, laptop computers, amateur radio, photography and fine food from our family kitchen. Join us with your comments and contributions and let’s enjoy together!

Cijenjeni posjetitelji,
Posjećenost nasih stranica raste iz mjeseca u mjesec. Pri tome dnevna statistika bilježi samo posjete koji dolaze s jedinstveniih IP adresa. Zahvaljujemo vam na povjerenju i pozivamo vas da nastavite pratiti nove članke na Naše stranice posvećene su 9A2GB softveru, Windows operativnom sustavu, prijenosnim računalima, radioamaterizmu, fotografiji i finom jelu iz naše obiteljske kuhinje. Pridružite nam se svojim komentarima i prilozima i uživajmo zajedno!

Sincerely / S poštovanjem,

9A2GB Team


Views: (806)