EMU – Key features and options


EMU - Event Monitoring Utility in workEMU – Key features and options / Ključne značajke i mogućnosti
Download your free copy of Event Monitoring Utility HERE.
Preuzmite vašu besplatnu kopiju Event Monitoring Utility OVDJE.


  • Monitoring Methods or Events:                                •     Action on Event:
    Target Foreground Window                                              Restart
    Target File                                                                         Hibernate
    CPU Usage: Less Then                                                    Suspend
    CPU Usage: More Then                                                    Log Off
    Start Application                                                                Send eMail
    Last record of specified Event ID                                     Log Event Only
    External IP Address Changed by Provider                       Shutdown  
    External IP Address Forced Renew
    Available Physical Memory: Less Then
    Available Virtual Memory: Less Then
    Target Word
    Stop Application(s)
    Stop Windows Service
    Start Windows Service

Simple or combined syntax in the Argument column, depending on the chosen method, or event
Multi-Event possibility (support for more the same, simultaneously active events)
Local counters for delayed start of event, for the following methods:

CPU Usage: Less Then, CPU Usage: More Then, Last record of specified Event ID

Search for every known Event ID in all regular Windows Event logs. EMU supports all regular Windows logs with .EVT (Windows XP), and all regular Windows logs with .EVTX extensions (Vista, Windows 7).
EMU Admin group Internal Mailer allows users to be informed about new events via e-mail, without having to install any other mailer.
Internal event log, with the possibility of turning it off for some events.
Launch EMU at System start up.
Very low CPU usage
Ability to manage certain types of ADSL routers (in method: External IP Address Forced Renew)
System parameterEMU Networks display: CPU usage, Local IP address, Extern IP address with last change date and time, Current date and time, System UpTime, EMU memory consumption (Working Set), Available Physical Memory (RAM), Available Virtual Memory
Global event counters (Event Repeat column), separately for each method or event
Table of Monitoring Methods or Events with the possibility of activation and deactivation methods and events
Methods and events can be determined in advance, with the exact date and time of activation
Ability to silently inform user of the specified event by email, while user is away from computer.

Hrvatski / Croatian:

  • Monitoring ili Event metode:                         •     Radnje nakon pojave događaja:
    Target Foreground Window                                             Restart
    Target File                                                                        Hibernate
    CPU Usage: Less Then                                                   Suspend
    CPU Usage: More Then                                                   Log Off
    Start Application                                                               Send eMail
    Last record of specified Event ID                                    Log Event Only
    External IP Address Changed by Provider
    External IP Address Forced Renew
    Available Physical Memory: Less Then
    Available Virtual Memory: Less Then
    Target Word
    Stop Application(s)
    Stop Windows Service
    Start Windows Service
  • Jednostavno ili kombinirano argumentiranje u koloni Argument, ovisno od odabrane metode ili događaja
  • Multi-Event mogućnost (podrška za više istih, istovremeno aktivnih događaja)
  • Lokalni brojači odgađanja početka novog Eventa za slijedeće metode:
    – CPU Usage: Less Then
    – CPU Usage: More Then
    – Last record of specified Event ID
  • Pretraživanje svih poznatih Event ID- u svim Windows Event logovima. Podržani su svi Windows logovi sa EVT (Windows XP) i logovi sa EVTX ekstenzijama (Vista, Windows 7).
  • Interni mailer omogućuje informiranje korisnika o novom događaju putem elektroničke pošte, bez potrebe za instalacijom posebnog mailera
  • Vođenje internog loga događaja, s mogučnošću isključivanja te mogućnosti
  • Automatsko pokretanje EMU, odmah nakon starta operativnog sustava
  • Nisko opterećenje procesora
  • Mogućnost upravljanja određenim tipovima ADSL routera (metoda External IP Address Forced Renew)
  • Prikaz sistemskih parametara:
    – opterećenje procesora
    – lokalna IP adresa
    – eksterna IP adresa s datumom i vremenom zadnje promjene
    – realno vrijeme i datum
    – proteklo vrijeme rada sustava od momenta zadnjeg podizanja (UpTime)
    – potrošnja memorije od strane EMU (Working Set)
    – dostupna količina fizičke memorije
    – dostupna količina virtualne memorije
  • Globalni brojači ponavljanja događaja, (Event Repeat), posebno za svaku metodu ili događaj
  • Pregledna tabela događaja s mogučnošću aktiviranja i deaktiviranja metoda i događaja
  • Metode i događaji mogu se odrediti unaprijed, toćnim datumom i vremenom aktiviranja

Mogućnost tihog informiranja korisnika u slučaju da je njegovo računalo pokrenuto dok ga nije bilo u blizini.

9A2GB Software Team



Views: (1060)

EMU (Event Monitoring Utility) v1.0 – 1st. Public Release


EMU, the curious utilityEMU (Event Monitoring Utility) v1.0 – 1st. Public Release

EMU is born!

EMU, by the full name: “Event Monitoring Utility”, is a useful tool written for Windows® OS. By using certain methods, EMU can monitor different events in your computer and operating system, record them in local log, notify you by e-mail, and also, it can act according to predefined actions, depending of used monitoring methods and expected events!

More about EMU.
Download EMU help file only. 

[wpdm_file id=12]DOWNLOAD your free copy of EMU !
9A2GB Software Development Team


EMU (Event Monitoring Utility) v1.0 – 1. javno izdanje

EMU je rođen!

EMU, punim imenom: “Event Monitoring Utility”, predstavlja koristan alat pisan za Windows® OS kojim možemo, koristeći određene metode, nadzirati događaje u računalu i operativnom sustavu, bilježiti ih, dojavljivati ih elektroničkom poštom i potom djelovati na unaprijed odabrani način, ovisno od događaja koji se prati ili očekuje.

Download samo EMU help datoteke na Hrvatskom jeziku.

[wpdm_file id=12]PREUZMITE vašu besplatnu kopiju EMU !
9A2GB Software Development Team

Views: (2668)

New EMU beta v0.9b12 for Beta Testers


EMU Admin groupWhat’s new in EMU – Event Monitoring Utility, v0.9b12 Beta?

New Feature added: “EMS Table Auto-save”. It enables automatic save of Event Monitoring Setup (EMS) table in the following cases:
a) after the 1-time method or event is triggered and before “Action on Event” is executed, EMU will save the current state of EMS table on hard disk, with zeroed “Repeat Event” counter.
b) after the multi-time method or event is triggered, EMU will save the new state of EMS table only if selected „Action on Event“ is one of the actions which may interrupt the operation of EMU, such as Restart, Hibernate, Log Off, Suspend or Shutdown.
– EMUhelp.pdf updated (croatian version)
– EMUhelpEN.pdf updated (english version).

Download is available only for Beta Testers with password, by clicking on word “Download”.
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File size: 4.2 MB

Što je novog u EMU – Event Monitoring Utility, v0.9b12 Beta?

Dodana nova mogućnost: “EMS Table Auto-Save” koja omogućuje da EMU automatski spremi Event Monitoring Setup (EMS) tablicu u slijedećim slučajevima:
a) nakon inicirane 1-time metode ili eventa, a prije kretanja u “Action on Event”
b) nakon inicirane multi-time metode ili eventa, izvršiti će se provjera “Action on Event” i spremiti će se novo stanje u EMS tabeli, samo ako je odabrana akcija jedna od akcija koje prekidaju rad EMU, kao što su: Restart, Hibernate, LogOff, Suspend, Shutdown.
– Dopunjena hrvatska verzija EMUhelp.pdf
– Dopunjena engleska verzija EMUhelpEN.pdf

Download je omogućen Beta Testerima uz password, klikom na riječ “Download”.
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File size: 4.2 MB


Views: (955)

EMU help file (English version)


EMU help file, (English version) is released! Download your copy and discover possibilities of a powerful utility for Windows OS, prior to public release: the EMU – Event Monitoring Utility. If you want to control events in your computer, if you want to define your own triggers for specific events, if you want to manage your ADSL router and use many more EMU features, download EMUhelpEN.pdf and read all the EMU really can do. The EMU is in the last phase of Beta Test and will be published very soon!
[wpdm_file id=7]
File size: 4.2 MB

Also, it is still not too late to join to our Beta Test Team and participate in final testing of the EMU. And finally, not so unimportant: the EMU, in its first public release will be free of charge!



Views: (593)

Project EMU, Beta Testers wanted!


EMU is acronym for Event Monitoring Utility, a useful tool written for Windows® OS, which can, by using certain methods, trigger events, monitor computer and operating system events, record events to log, notify user by e-mail about events and act according to pre-defined actions, depending of monitoring methods and expected events.

EMU is under Beta Test, current version is v0.9bx, and it is available only for Beta Testers.

If you would like to become a member of EMU Beta Test team and have a time to take part in testing EMU, please contact author at: emu.9a2gb(at)gmail.com. Life Time registration will be a small compensation for your time and your effort.

Author’s special offer for all licensed radio amateurs of the world: EMU Life Time registration after public release.


Views: (835)