Announcement: 26. Samobor Salami Festival

Samoborska salama

26. Samobor Salami Festival

Friday, April the 19th, at 8 PM (local time)

Samoborska salamijada (Samobor Salami Festival), an international tourist and gastronomic manifestation, has a 26 year tradition in Samobor. Samobor is a town with a rich cultural, craft, and culinary tradition. The Samobor Salami Festival was established by a group of enthusiasts of different occupations and professions. They had one thing in common – a dedication to the same hobby – homemade salami.

As of their first voluntary and enthusiastic beginnings, the organization of the Samobor salami Festival has developed and upgraded with new elements. While the Fraternity of st. George and the Samobor tourist Board played a decisive role, the support from the town of Samobor and recently town of Sveta Nedelja must be emphasized. Of course, the key role in the positioning of the samobor salami Festival as an important gastronomic and tourist attraction of Samobor was played by the association Zlatna šajba (Golden grinder plate), founded in 2003, whose members constitute the core of the organizing committee of the Samobor salami Festival.

The Samobor Salami Festival has a contestant quality. Strict rules and standards for evaluation of the registered salami samples have been established, and the best ones are awarded the Velika zlatna šajba (Big golden grinder plate). Those that are ranked lower, receive the Golden, silver or Bronze grinder plate (zlatna, srebrna or brončana šajba) as a reward. The contestants are divided in three separate categories: hobbyists, registered (industry) producers, and international hobbyists. The members of the Golden grinder plate association (Udruga Zlatna šajba) initiated and carried out the project of establishing the Samobor salami as a Zagrebačka County brand. On that occasion it was presented to the public in march 2005 in the Regent esplanade Hotel in Zagreb.

(izvor: “Samoborska Salamijada”, monografija)


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About 9A2GB

Ivan Držanić, Croatian radio amateur, (international HAM callsign: 9A2GB). Education: Graphic Engineer (BSGT). Unofficial education: CEPT “A” class HAM license, MCP – Microsoft Certified Professional. Hobbies and skills: computer programming, amateur radio, electronic design and construction, motorbikes, photography, CNC programming, cooking etc. Croatian Amateur Radio Association Bronze badge holder.